Jeux vidéos et enseignement de la géométrie
Michael Gove, secrétaire d’État brittanique à l’éducation, s’est prononcé en faveur de l’usage des jeux vidéos pour l’apprentissage de la géométrie à l’école dans un discours à la Royal Society début juillet : « Computer games developed by Marcus Du Sautoy are enabling children to engage with complex mathematical problems that would hitherto have been thought too advanced. When children need to solve equations in order to get more ammo to shoot the aliens, it is amazing how quickly they can learn. I am sure that this field of educational games has huge potential for maths and science teaching and I know that Marcus himself has been thinking about how he might be able to create games to introduce advanced concepts, such as non-Euclidean geometry, to children at a much earlier stage than normal in schools. »
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